- Common Ownership, Corporate Control and Price Competition, with Anna Bayona and
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , Vol. 200 (August 2022): 1066-1075 [link]
- Co-investment Deterrence, with Anton-Giulio
Manganelli and María Martín-Rodríguez
Economics Letters , Vol. 211 (February 2022) 110263 [open access link] [online appendix]
- Mobile Termination Rates and Retail Regimes in Europe and the US: A Unified Theory of CPP and RPP,
with Sjaak
Information Economics and Policy , Vol. 56 (September 2021) 100915 [open access link] - Overlapping Ownership, R&D Spillovers, and Antitrust Policy, with Xavier
Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 127, no. 5 (October 2019): 2394-2437 [open access link] [online appendix]
[software] {application} - Silent Financial Interests and Product Innovation, with Anna Bayona.
Economics Letters , Volume 170, September 2018, pp. 109-112 [link] - Foreclosing Competition through High Access Charges and Price Discrimination, with Patrick Rey.
The Journal of Industrial Economics , Volume 64, Issue 3, September 2016, pp. 436-465 [link] - Methods for the management of distributed electricity networks using software agents and market
mechanisms: A survey, with I. Lopez-Rodriguez and M. Hernandez-Tejera
Electric Power Systems Research , Volume 136, July 2016, pp. 362-369 [link] - Mobile Termination, Network Externalities, and Consumer Expectations, with Sjaak
The Economic Journal , Volume 124, Issue 579, September 2014, pp. 1005-1039 [link] - Optimal asset divestments with homogeneous products, with Giulio Federico.
International Journal of Industrial Organization , Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2013, pp. 12-25 [link] - The Welfare Effects of Mobile Termination Rate Regulation in Asymmetric Oligopolies: the Case of
Spain, with Sjaak
Telecommunications Policy , Volume 36, Issue 5, June 2012, pp. 369-381 [link] - Government, taxes and banking crises, with Augusto Hasman and Margarita
Journal of Banking & Finance , Volume 35, Issue 10, October 2011, pp. 2761-2770 [link]
- Asymmetric access pricing in the Internet backbone market.
Economics Letters , Volume 112, Issue 1, July 2011, pp. 3-6 [link]
- Mobile termination rates and the receiver-pays regime.
Information Economics and Policy , Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2011, pp. 171-181 [link]
- Selecting effective divestments in electricity generation markets, with Giulio Federico.
European Transactions on Electrical Power , Volume 21, Issue 6, September 2011, pp. 1914-1922 [link]
- Horizontal Mergers in Industries with Congestion Effects and Capacity-Enhancing Investments.
[current draft: May 2024] [pdf file]
- Common Ownership and Technology Adoption, with Sjaak Hurkens.
[current draft: May 2022]
- Stable Bargaining Networks with Asymmetric Costs, with Erik Darpö, Alvaro Domínguez and María
[current draft: September 2021]
- Abusive incentive contracts, with Giulio Federico and Pierre Regibeau.
[current draft: September 2019]
- Precios de terminación de llamada en telefonía móvil. Sus efectos sobre la competencia y el
bienestar social.
Cuadernos Económicos de ICE,
Volume 81, June 2011, pp. 71-101 [pdf file] [link]
(presentation at the CMT, Spanish telecommunications regulator [pdf file])
- Report: Competencia y Regulación en los Mercados Españoles de las Telecomunicaciones. Informes del Centro Sector Público - Sector Privado 3, 2009. IESE Business School. [quick summary] | [report]
- Despliegue de redes de telecomunicaciones y difusión de banda ancha.
Economistas "España 2008. Un balance". [pdf file] - Inversión en banda ancha: Competencia en infraestructuras y competencia en servicios, with Xavier
Economistas "España 2007. Un balance". [pdf file] - Impacto de la Liberalización en el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones, with Augusto Hasman.
Economistas "España 2006. Un balance". [link]
- Who Should Pay for Two-Way Interconnection?, with Sjaak
[current draft: July 2017] {pdf file}
[draft: July 2014] {pdf file}
Featured in Barcelona GSE Focus [link]
[draft: October 2011] {pdf file} {slides}
[draft: June 2011] {pdf file} - Using Future Access Charges to Soften Network Competition.
[draft: January 2008] {pdf file}